Date : 2024 Thursday 20 Jun
Code 175

The open arms of Isfahan to expand global economic cooperation

Economic relations between Isfahan and Gansu- China are developing

The business delegation form Gansu attended the Isfahan Chamber of Commerce and met and exchanged business ideas and views with a number of Isfahan economic activists.
In this meeting, Mohammad Jaafar Foudeh, the vice-president of Isfahan Chamber of Commerce, stated: As a historical province, Isfahan has many touristm attractions. This province has the largest number of mines and the largest producer of sponge iron in the world. Isfahan has the best positions in the country in the production of gold, steel and textile products.

He added: This province ranks first in the country in the production of many agricultural products such as milk, eggs and greenhouse products. With its many capacities and capabilities, Isfahan has the ability to export and invest jointly with many countries.
The vice-chairman of Isfahan Chamber of Commerce emphasized: Holding the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) meeting in Isfahan produced good results for the province and the country. During the meeting constructive interactions were established with the economic actors of the participating Asian countries and the investment opportunities of the province were introduced.

Expressing his satisfaction with the presence of the Chinese delegation at Isfahan Chamber of Commerce, he welcomed the expansion of economic cooperation with different countries and said: We hope to be able to expand the ways of continuous development of interactions with the Chinese parties.

Guo Tiankang, the vice-chairman of the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China in Gansu province, also said: I am very happy to be in the beautiful city of Isfahan. In this trip we are looking to develop trade relations with Isfahan because we know that Iran and China have long record of business with each other.
He continued: These two big countries have had many economic interactions through the Silk Road, and today we can cooperate with each other in various sectors. Gansu is a major producer of corn and has very good industrial infrastructure. Therefore, we hope that this trip and negotiations will lead to good understandings.

Ma Cong, the vice-chairman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Gansu province also said: A delegation of economic activists from Gansu province has traveled to this province to develop economic relations with Isfahan. The development of economic relations with Iran is of great important to us and we are ready to cooperate in this field. There is a good capacities of relationship between the two sides for the development of cooperation, which we hope will lead to positive results. Two cities can take good steps in the field of tourism and witness the development of relations in this sector.
Photo gallery Gansu 1403