Public Relations and Communications Development

Public Relations and Communications Development

Introduction of the unit

If all employees in an organization perform their responsibilities well but have no interaction with the organization’s members, it will be very difficult for them to achieve perspective goals. Therefore, the communication development unit acts as a key link between the Chamber of Commerce and its members
By managing the timely flow of information between the internal and external environments of the organization, this unit creates and maintains a clear, correct, and professional image of the private sector parliament.
The main mission of the unit is to establish two-way communication between the chamber and the stakeholders, provide clear information about the chamber's activities, and synergize with the media. Transparency, participation, and accountability are the three basic pillars of its activities.
Based on this viewpoint, introducing the services of the Chamber of Commerce to members and audiences, effective and beneficial communication with the media, creating effective communication between people within the organization, publishing news and announcements on 12 virtual platforms, monitoring and responding to the comments of members and users, and holding events in collaboration with other units are among the activities of this unit.
Therefore, the personnel of this unit are obliged to understand the needs of the members and audiences through coordination with other units, consider business goals, use different communication tools, and provide meaningful and useful communication in line with the visual and auditory presentation of the policy, whose priority is "commercial justice," and manage the chamber.
Also, honesty, expertise, independence, loyalty, and fairness are the principles of professional activity and the policy of this unit, which we have put at the forefront of our activities.